Lord Krishna

The god who assists the Pandavas throughout the story, Krishna helps them understand their dharma as rulers and fighters in the war, and constantly reassures them that any violent act they have trepidation about is mandated by faith. His speech on dharma and action to Arjuna is known as the "Bhagavad Gita," and has been accepted as central to the Hindu tradition.


Teacher of Sudama and Krishna at an ashram in Avantika (Today known as Ujjain).


He is the youngest son of King Pratip. He falls in love with Ganga and asks her to marry him. She puts forth a strange condition. No matter what she did, no matter how sinful her actions, Shantanu would not question or stop her. If he did, she would immediately leave him forever. Shantanu, without thinking agreed. The two got married and she was pregnant. As soon as the child was born , Ganga took him to the river and drowned him. Shantanu was aghast and helpless. She did this six more times, drowning her six newborn boys. But when it was about to happen the eighth time, Shantanu stopped her. He was reborn so that Ganga could avenge the humiliation.


Married King Shantanu, drowned seven of her sons because the Vasus had asked her to be their mother and kill them as soon as they were born because they were cursed by the Sage Vashishtha for stealing a prized possession. Her eighth son however, Bhishma was kept alive. Her river is holy and many people go there to bathe or immerse ashes into the Ganga river.

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